Speak with Impact: It’s about them
Overview: In this workshop, participants learn to focus on their audience and guide them through critical content.
Workshop Objectives
Conquer public-speaking nightmares
Create influence through connection
Master the communication triangle
Increase range of expression
Handle push back with confidence
Navigate challenging situations
Speak with Clarity: It’s about you
Overview: In this workshop, participants go on a journey of self-discovery, debunk their current beliefs, and ensure the intended message is the received message.
Workshop Objectives
Challenge self-beliefs
Build confidence
Manage the moments of discontent
Ensure intended message is received
Adjust pace, tone, volume
Create a strategy for difficult sounds
MCIN Workshops
Build Compelling Narratives: It’s about moving them
Overview: In this workshop, participants learn to develop narratives that are driven by purpose, passion, and strategy.
Workshop Objectives
Begin with purpose
Harness the power of stories
Align stories to create connections
Inspire others by the moral of the story
Be concise; maintain focus
Make the message contagious