Speak with Impact:  It’s about them

Overview: In this workshop, participants learn to focus on their audience and guide them through critical content.

 Workshop Objectives

  • Conquer public-speaking nightmares

  • Create influence through connection

  • Master the communication triangle

  • Increase range of expression

  • Handle push back with confidence

  • Navigate challenging situations


Speak with Clarity: It’s about you    

Overview:   In this workshop, participants go on a journey of self-discovery, debunk their current beliefs, and ensure the intended message is the received message.

Workshop Objectives

  • Challenge self-beliefs

  • Build confidence

  • Manage the moments of discontent

  • Ensure intended message is received

  • Adjust pace, tone, volume

  • Create a strategy for difficult sounds


MCIN Workshops

Build Compelling Narratives:  It’s about moving them

Overview:  In this workshop, participants learn to develop narratives that are driven by purpose, passion, and strategy.  

Workshop Objectives

  • Begin with purpose

  • Harness the power of stories

  • Align stories to create connections

  • Inspire others by the moral of the story

  • Be concise; maintain focus

  • Make the message contagious